Custom PC Guide .net is a 6-year young blog (measured in cat years) about building a custom pc, optimizing wordpress, automobile repairs and planning for world domination.

Our archive of technology articles are mostly written by retired S.H.I.E.L.D agents who turned Hydra, former nobody Paul Luong, bunch of lazy staffs and one jack-of-all-trades janitor. It is also sometimes contributed by questionable genius strangers on the Internet. We proudly welcome hundreds of thousands of visitors every month from every country in this world and the other one.

The informative topics provided here mean to help the audience choosing the right pc components as well as customizing a computer that fits their own demand, budget and marriage life with triplets. There are also a handful of other topics to guide the readers how to get the best out of random stuffs, technology products, automotive and gadgets or summon a cult demon.

This blog is hosted by Cloudways VPS service and it does a fantastic job of keeping everything up and running fast and consistently –unlike our staffs who often call out sick because it’s football game night. And for that reason, maintaining this site comes with great expenses. Hence to pay for and keep our website barely alive, we display some advertising on the site and engage the readers in the use of affiliate links when appropriate.

These affiliate links are provided by reputable, trust-worthy retailers such Amazon, NewEgg and Ebay or hosting services. These companies give Custom PC Guide .net a commission on any purchases the buyers may make during the visit on Amazon via clicking on any of Custom PC Guide .net affiliated links.

Please keep in mind that this does not in any way, increases or changes the cost of the product. It is the same amount of money for those who buy products directly on the retailer’s website. However, you’ll get a sense of enlightenment using our affiliate link due to reason will be said below.

We have also noticed that many kind audience who stop by and use the Custom PC Guide .net affiliated links just to let us have the commission and put food on our table during our late game night, we are so ever grateful for your kind acts. These pizzas taste extremely, particularly awesome just because of your generosity. You do not know how many lives you have saved this evening. Please stay in touch with us on our Facebook or comment in the articles that have been helpful to you. You are the reason we are here, after all. Thank you so much!

Enjoy your stay and may the Force ever be with you.